Showing posts with label arthritis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label arthritis. Show all posts

Monday, February 28, 2022

Chiropractic can be used for the Treatment of Foot Pain

Chiropractic for Foot Pain

Have you ever wondered why foot pain seems common to certain people? Well, you need to know that each foot contains 26 bones and nerves and the feet bear all the impact of a person's body weight each day. All this daily impact can affect nerves, bones, tendons, ligaments or muscle which can result in pain, says Tom Gehrmann. It is easy to make assumptions when you have foot pain rather than seeking medical attention or help. Some might assume that the pain is a result of being overweight, wearing tight shoes or high heels, walking or standing too long on feet which makes them opt for solutions that do not deal with their problem.


All those assumptions might be right and foot pain is not what can be prevented every time but chiropractic treatment can help you deal with the pain. When some people hear the term chiropractic what comes to mind is spine and back. In case you didn't know back and spine is not the only body part that can be treated by chiropractors. Before discussing chiropractic treatment for foot pain maybe we should quickly define the term chiropractic and chiropractors, says Tom Gehrmann.     


Chiropractic and Chiropractors

Chiropractic is considered to be an alternate medicine that deals with the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of misalignment in the musculoskeletal system. Chiropractors like Tom Gehrmann from Colorado Springs, are health professionals that make use of different non-surgical treatments to care for the patient's musculoskeletal system. 


Pay Attention to Your Feet

You know your body more than anyone else and how much pressure you put on your feet daily. Whenever you take a walk or exercise on a harder surface than what your body is used to you might feel pain because your shoe is old. Or as a result of having a misalignment. Once you notice any pain in your foot that seems to linger more than it should you might want to visit a chiropractor before the pain gets severe or worse. Chiropractors put your strength, stability, mobility, flexibility and body mechanics into consideration when diagnosing the cause of your pain. Which can help in eliminating the pain with the right treatment.


Foot Pain That Are Common

Foot pain can occur if there is any misalignment in any of the 26 bones in your foot. Whether the pain occurs in the bottom of the heel, top of the foot, side of the foot, arch of the foot, back of heel or ball of foot you can get lasting relief with foot adjustments from a good chiropractor. But the common pain in the foot can be as a result of the following:


Metatasalgia: this is a situation whereby there is a misalignment in the metatarsal bones that are present in the ball of the foot.


Calcium deposit: the depositions of calcium in the foot will cause pain.


Pronation: the foot problem occurs when the arches are not strong enough to help the feet align well.  


Plantar fasciitis: This is a result of stress to the ligament that supports the arch of the foot. A strain in this ligament will cause inflammation, pain and swelling. 


Other Foot Problem A Chiropractor Can Treat or Help With


Ankle sprain: sprain in the ankle is sometimes overlooked as something that is not serious. The truth is it can be more complicated than it looks. An ankle sprain can affect the bone, muscles and tendons and if proper treatment is not taken it can result in the talus bone not returning to its position as the ankle recover. With the help of a chiropractor, the bone can be adjusted to ease ankle recovery or healing. And proper instructions will be given to the patient on how to rest, apply ice, compression and elevate the ankle.


Flat feet: those with this problem doesn't have the arch of the foot which means when they stand their whole foot touches the floor or shoes they wear. A flat foot is a condition that occurs during the early stage of child development but ageing and injury are contributing factors in adults. A chiropractor can give exercises to the patient that can help the arch to naturally increase and some manipulation on the feet. 


Achilles Tendinitis: This is a result of failing to do warm up first before doing any physical activity. When this happens, you can get the correct stretching exercise you need to deal with pain from a chiropractor.


Arthritis: I am not saying chiropractors can cure arthritis but they can help reduce the swelling through the manipulation of the toes, ankle and foot.



As you can see chiropractic can be used for the treatment of foot pain. Though foot pain cannot be prevented the pain has to prolong. According to Tom Gehrmann, you should consider chiropractic techniques after trying some home remedies and medication and there is no improvement.

Originally Published

Monday, November 23, 2020

Hand Exercises for Arthritis by Thomas Gehrmann


Thomas Gehrmann-hand exercises for Arthritis

According to Thomas Gehrmann - Chiropractor, arthritis  can be a very painful condition and is particularly difficult to manage, but certain exercises can help reduce pain and stiffness.

Here are some exercises for hand arthritis recommended by Thomas Gehrmann:

1. Hand Clench

  • Begin by straightening the fingers out.
  • Slowly bend the hand into a fist.
  • Keep the thumb on the outside of the hand.
  • Hold this position for a couple of seconds, then repeat says Thomas Gehrmann.
  • Do around 10 reps once per day. People can do so more regularly if the exercise is comfortable and pain-free.

2. Thumb and Finger Lift

  • Place the hands on a table, palm down and body-width apart.
  • Begin by lifting the thumbs off the table as far as is comfortable and holding for 5 seconds, then rest.
  • Repeat with the index finger, then the following fingers in turn.
  • While one finger is raised, make sure that the others remain flat.
  • Complete 10 sets around twice per day, recommended by Chiropractor, Thomas Gehrmann.

3. Thumb Stretch

  • Looking at the palm of the hand, relax the fingers into a neutral position.
  • Bend the thumb across the palm, touching the bottom of the small finger. If this is difficult, just stretch as far as possible.
  • Repeat multiple times with each hand.

4. Finger and Thumb Touch

  • From the same position as the thumb stretch, bring the tip of the thumb together with the tip of each finger one by one.
  • Complete 10 sets twice per day on each hand.
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Thursday, May 16, 2019

Arthritis Awareness Month | Manage Osteoarthritis | Thomas Gehrmann Colorado

manage osteoarthritis

Physical health issues are increasing nowadays and no doubt it all because of unhealthy habits. Most people often neglect their diet and physical activities, which result in many different issues and osteoarthritis is one of them. Osteoarthritis is one of the most common forms of arthritis, affects individuals of almost all ages. It mostly found in older people above 65 years of age, especially in women.

Osteoarthritis is a kind of arthritis that damage the cartilage that mainly protects the joints from friction and constant wear and tear. Although this degenerative disease reduces mobility with time, according to experts including ThomasGehrmann, CO Chiropractor, it can be controlled by following a healthy diet and lifestyle. 

Let’s find out how dietary changes can support osteoarthritis knee pain with the expert Thomas Gehrmann, a Chiropractor from Colorado Springs-

1) Do not cook meats at a high temperature

dont cook meat at high temperature

According to experts including Thomas Gehrmann, if you cook meats at extreme temperatures, for example on a grill, may produce inflammation-causing elements known as advanced glycation end products (AGEs). These elements increase the risk of diseases such as arthritis, cancer, and diabetes. Also, experts suggest decreasing the consumption of processed, ready-to-eat meats, as they may also be prepared at high temperatures.

2. Prefer more olive oil for cooking

prefer olive oil for cooking

A component name Oleocanthal is found in olive oil, which is helpful in decreasing inflammation. Most people may not know that around 3 to 4 tablespoons of olive oil are capable enough to provide the same pain-relief as 200 milligrams of ibuprofen. However, this much consumption of olive oil is not recommended as it may consist of too many calories. Better if you use it in place of other fats like butter or margarine.

3. Increase your vitamin C intake to prevent osteoarthritis

increase vitamin C intake

Vitamin C not only boosts immunity but also helps in maintaining healthy levels of collagen and connective tissues, which are essential for healthy joints. You can include food items like citrus varieties, strawberries, and kale in your regular diet as they are rich in vitamin C.

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