Showing posts with label chiropractor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chiropractor. Show all posts

Monday, February 28, 2022

Chiropractic can be used for the Treatment of Foot Pain

Chiropractic for Foot Pain

Have you ever wondered why foot pain seems common to certain people? Well, you need to know that each foot contains 26 bones and nerves and the feet bear all the impact of a person's body weight each day. All this daily impact can affect nerves, bones, tendons, ligaments or muscle which can result in pain, says Tom Gehrmann. It is easy to make assumptions when you have foot pain rather than seeking medical attention or help. Some might assume that the pain is a result of being overweight, wearing tight shoes or high heels, walking or standing too long on feet which makes them opt for solutions that do not deal with their problem.


All those assumptions might be right and foot pain is not what can be prevented every time but chiropractic treatment can help you deal with the pain. When some people hear the term chiropractic what comes to mind is spine and back. In case you didn't know back and spine is not the only body part that can be treated by chiropractors. Before discussing chiropractic treatment for foot pain maybe we should quickly define the term chiropractic and chiropractors, says Tom Gehrmann.     


Chiropractic and Chiropractors

Chiropractic is considered to be an alternate medicine that deals with the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of misalignment in the musculoskeletal system. Chiropractors like Tom Gehrmann from Colorado Springs, are health professionals that make use of different non-surgical treatments to care for the patient's musculoskeletal system. 


Pay Attention to Your Feet

You know your body more than anyone else and how much pressure you put on your feet daily. Whenever you take a walk or exercise on a harder surface than what your body is used to you might feel pain because your shoe is old. Or as a result of having a misalignment. Once you notice any pain in your foot that seems to linger more than it should you might want to visit a chiropractor before the pain gets severe or worse. Chiropractors put your strength, stability, mobility, flexibility and body mechanics into consideration when diagnosing the cause of your pain. Which can help in eliminating the pain with the right treatment.


Foot Pain That Are Common

Foot pain can occur if there is any misalignment in any of the 26 bones in your foot. Whether the pain occurs in the bottom of the heel, top of the foot, side of the foot, arch of the foot, back of heel or ball of foot you can get lasting relief with foot adjustments from a good chiropractor. But the common pain in the foot can be as a result of the following:


Metatasalgia: this is a situation whereby there is a misalignment in the metatarsal bones that are present in the ball of the foot.


Calcium deposit: the depositions of calcium in the foot will cause pain.


Pronation: the foot problem occurs when the arches are not strong enough to help the feet align well.  


Plantar fasciitis: This is a result of stress to the ligament that supports the arch of the foot. A strain in this ligament will cause inflammation, pain and swelling. 


Other Foot Problem A Chiropractor Can Treat or Help With


Ankle sprain: sprain in the ankle is sometimes overlooked as something that is not serious. The truth is it can be more complicated than it looks. An ankle sprain can affect the bone, muscles and tendons and if proper treatment is not taken it can result in the talus bone not returning to its position as the ankle recover. With the help of a chiropractor, the bone can be adjusted to ease ankle recovery or healing. And proper instructions will be given to the patient on how to rest, apply ice, compression and elevate the ankle.


Flat feet: those with this problem doesn't have the arch of the foot which means when they stand their whole foot touches the floor or shoes they wear. A flat foot is a condition that occurs during the early stage of child development but ageing and injury are contributing factors in adults. A chiropractor can give exercises to the patient that can help the arch to naturally increase and some manipulation on the feet. 


Achilles Tendinitis: This is a result of failing to do warm up first before doing any physical activity. When this happens, you can get the correct stretching exercise you need to deal with pain from a chiropractor.


Arthritis: I am not saying chiropractors can cure arthritis but they can help reduce the swelling through the manipulation of the toes, ankle and foot.



As you can see chiropractic can be used for the treatment of foot pain. Though foot pain cannot be prevented the pain has to prolong. According to Tom Gehrmann, you should consider chiropractic techniques after trying some home remedies and medication and there is no improvement.

Originally Published

Monday, September 7, 2020

Tips to Stay Healthy While Working from Home


working from home

As the world battles with the spread of coronavirus and countries closing their borders, while incorporating compulsive stay-at-home orders. Millions of people all over the world are working from home in this crisis. Transitioning from a normal working environment, a working from home setting can be very challenging. With no gym time, lack of working in an ergonomic environment closed schools, and kids to take care of, bundles of attractive snacks arranged in the kitchen, no social stimulation. All these can disrupt any worker’s mental health. ‘One of the best ways to beat this is by finding a way to stay fit and balance your physical and mental health’ says Thomas Gehrmann, a renowned chiropractor in Colorado Springs.

Whether you’ve been working from home for years or its just your first time, it is not easy and fulfilled as you think. There are a lot of hurdles to overcome especially when the only person you talk to all day is your kids or dogs. The feeling of isolation makes you feel restless and tired all day. ‘Although the idea of leaving your bed and working in your pajamas sounds great, it causes more harm than good to your mental health’ says Thomas Gehmann. Hence, here are tips to stay healthy during this lockdown.

1. Exercise Regularly

Sitting all day is the new norm as everyone is now working from home due to coronavirus lockdown. Sitting all day can make stiffen your arms and legs which can lead to headaches and painExercising helps stimulate your body and improves your normal brain functioning. It also allows the blood in your body to circulate properly while strengthening your bones and muscles. A poor sitting posture for a long time often forces the nervous system to take energy away from the immune system.

2. Rest Regularly

Walk around during your lunch break. “Take every opportunity you have whether it’s a Phone call or an unusual sound around the house, to stretch your body. This helps you think clearly’. Says Thomas Gehmann. Get out of the house and enjoy vitamin D from the sun. After working hours, it is important to also participate in other activities and sleep for at least eight hours every day. This helps rejuvenate the skin and improves your mental health and general wellbeing. It also allows increases your productivity and concentration the next day while keeping depression and anxiety at bay.

3. Stay Hydrated

Always keep a glass of water beside you all day to keep your hydrated. Drinking water helps maximize your physical performance and prevent headaches. Research has shown that your hydration status often influences the way your brain functions. Therefore, you need to stay hydrated to be more productive at work. Also, dehydration often leads to impaired mood and reduction in the energy level.

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Thursday, January 2, 2020

Thomas Gehrmann Chiropractor in Colorado Springs

Experience natural, innovative health care solutions to help you feel great through all stages of life using chiropractic care with Thomas Gehrmann.

Gehrmann Chiropractic clinic exists to educate and align patients towards optimal health through natural chiropractic care. They make this possible by empowering their patients to take an active role in their personalized care. 

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Thursday, September 5, 2019

Thomas Gehrmann | Services Offered Through Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic Treatment

Most people think chiropractic treatment is only helpful in healing aching backs. No doubt chiropractic most often used for treating complaints of the back and neck, but it works on all bones and joints of the body. These including the arms, legs and jaw, even symptoms produced by bones in the ears can also treat by chiropractic.

Let’s explore some surprising benefits of chiropractic treatment that you may not know with Thomas Gehrmann, Colorado Springs Chiropractor.


BPPV is considered as one of the most common causes of dizziness and vertigo-type symptoms. According to experts including Thomas Gehrmann, Colorado Springs Chiropractor, it is usually caused by debris in the semicircular canals of the ear. In simple words, BPPV typically involves sudden events of dizziness that remain for 10-20 seconds after a change in the position of the head. People usually experience this type of vertigo when going from bending forward to lying to sitting to rolling over in bed or even just moving the head. You may find various repositioning exercises that can help in the debris and relieve the symptoms, but the specialist will recommend such therapy only after the diagnosis. Therefore, when you find such a symptom, it is advisable to get a complete examination before starting therapy. It will help you in getting better and which results from the chiropractic treatment.


When we talk about CTS condition, you will find numbness, tingling, and other symptoms in the hands. Usually, the reason behind this problem is a compressed median nerve in the wrist. Continuous hand motions or positions, for instance, bad biomechanics while typing, possibly bring swelling and inflammation at the wrist and sometimes irritation of the nerve. You may experience repetitive numbness or tingling that becomes more consistent over time as a most common symptom. Practitioner suggests an evaluation test to confirm CTS. Possibly there will be many different types of tests that may include orthopedic tests, a nerve conduction test, etc. Once the diagnosis CTS, he will suggest and perform a chiropractic adjustment of the wrist says ThomasGehrmann.

Ear Issues Can Be Treated Using Chiropractic Treatment

Sometimes when you deal with an illness or infection, fluid gets stuck in the middle ear cavity and creates a breeding ground for bacteria and/or viruses. In most cases, chronic ear infections typically trouble children at a younger age. In such a situation, doctors recommend an examination, which helps in observing the eardrum, to find out if there is fluid buildup in the middle ear. And if the fluid is there, this is possible because of tight muscles which surround the Eustachian tube. It is basically a canal that connects and make drainage possible. When it comes to improving drainage, it is possible with conservative techniques of Chiropractor that help in relaxing the muscles, hence opening the Eustachian tube.

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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Thomas Gehrmann | How Chiropractor Can Help You After a Car Accident

Chiropractic Care After Car Accident

“Following a car accident, the bones of the spine may shift out of their original position or lose their normal motion, in what’s called vertebral subluxation complex,” says Colorado Springs’ chiropractor Thomas Gehrmann. This condition is characterized by a set of signs and symptoms that affect the spinal column. Histopathology is one of its five major interrelated components, and it occurs when a person’s body temperature rises due to an increase in lymph and blood supplies. As a result, inflammation and swelling occur, causing discs to rip, project, herniate or depreciate.

According to Colorado Springs chiropractor Thomas Gehrmann, the individual may experience the following symptoms after a car accident:

     Pain and discomfort
     Loss of mobility
     Degradation of the spine
     Scar tissue

How Does the Lymphatic System Work?

The lymphatic system is a subdivision of the circulatory system, and it consists of lymph vessels, lymph nodes and lymph (translucent fluid containing white blood cells). The lymph vessels transport lymph throughout the body, allowing the white blood cells it contains to fight off foreign substances and rid the body of toxins and waste.
Lymph flows in one direction — up toward the neck — and within its own system. It travels into the venous blood stream via the subclavian veins (located on the sides of the neck). Plasma, the yellow liquid component of the blood, distributes nutrients and removes waste, before leaving the blood cells and going back to the venous circulation system where it will continue on as venous blood. That which does not leave becomes lymph. It too makes its departure, leaving the tissue and entering the lymphatic system throughout lymphatic capillaries.

Histopathology and the Lymphatic System / Venous System

Thomas Gehrmann notes that after a car accident or other trauma, if the spinal bones lose their natural motion and position (spinal kinesiopathology):
     The muscles of the spine can weaken, atrophy or stiffen, causing them to spasm. Over time, scar tissue can develop, changing the individual’s muscle tone. This is known as myopathology.
     Delicate nerve tissue can become chocked, stretched or irritated, leading to nerve system dysfunction (neuropathophysiology).
     Bony growths may attempt to fuse defective spinal joints, which can cause the spine to decay, scar tissue to form and nerve malfunction (pathophysiology).
“In these instances, the body may react to these traumas by increasing its blood and lymph supplies,” says Thomas Gehrmann. “This is how the body reacts to the perceived threat. However, this excess in blood and lymph supplies can have adverse effects. Beyond causing the body temperature to rise, the discs of the spine can become inflamed and swell. As a consequence, they may protrude, tear, herniate or deteriorate.”

How Chiropractic Treatment Can Help After Car Accident

According to Thomas Gehrmann, your chiropractor may first choose to perform spinal adjustments after car accident to get the spine back into alignment and free trapped nerves. This may not only reduce pain and restore mobility, but could allow the lymph and venous system to reduce its supplies since the trauma is no longer considered a threat that needs to be corrected.
Some spinal adjustment techniques may include, but are not limited to:
     Toggle drop. With hands crossed, the chiropractor gives a firm press to the spine, and then adds a rapid thrust.
     Release work. Using the fingertips, gentle pressure is applied to help separate vertebrae that have become connected or fused.
     Lumbar roll. With the patient on their side, the chiropractor applies a swift thrust to the area of misalignment, with the goal being to place the vertebrae in their rightful position.
     Table adjustments. The patient lies on a table that has sections that drop down. A rapid thrust is employed by the chiropractor, causing parts of the table to release and drop. When the patient’s body drops down with the table, the table comes to a stop but the patient’s body remains in motion temporarily. The combination of the thrust, drop and continued motion are designed to help the spine align.
“Once the spine has been realigned, your chiropractor may then implement soft tissue work to loosen the muscles around the spine and push fluid out of inflamed and swollen areas due to car accident,” says Thomas Gehrmann.
If you are suffering from vertebral subluxation complex, talk to your chiropractor about what he or she can do to help treat your condition and relieve your symptoms.


Thomas Gehrmann has also been a licensed chiropractor in Colorado Springs, Colorado since the fall of 1999. For more information visit his website at

Originally Posted:

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Neck Pain Permanent Solutions Using Thomas Gehrmann Tips

Neck Pain Solutions

Are you one of those who is dealing with back or neck pain in everyday life? Almost every third individual out of ten suffers from neck pain at work. It happens when you sit at work for long working hours in the wrong posture. To fix this problem and to avoid major complications it is necessary for you to improve your posture. Walking or sitting with the straight back not only makes you look confident but also prevent your neck and back pain.

Let’s explore ways to prevent neck pain at work with the expert Thomas Gehrmann.

Maintain good posture

maintain good posture

While sitting at the office desk make sure you keep your spine in a neutral position with ears exactly above your shoulders. The back should be in a straight position against the chair, recommended by Thomas Gehrmann. To keep the angle of thigh slightly down you need to adjust the height of the chair. It will help you to allocate your lower body weight through your sit bones.

Consider the height of monitor and keyboard placement

Consider the height of keyboard and monitor

According to expert ThomasGehrmann, it is very important to consider the height of monitor and keyboard placement while working at work. Make sure you place your monitor at a position to prevent your neck from inclined forward. And keep the keyboard at the height which allows you to keep your arm in 90- degree position. In case the monitor is placed at a lower position, you need to lower your neck which increases tension on your spine. Similarly, if you placed a keyboard at a lower position it will lead your shoulder to more rounding position.

Take a small interval and stand up for a while

stand up after small interval

An individual should never restrict his body to stay in one position for a longer duration as it can cause stiffness in the internal functioning of the body. Also, it is not easy for anyone to maintain a good posture for a longer period. Therefore, it is advisable to stand up after a small interval like after an hour or so and take a small walk around. Taking small breaks and walking around will ask to keep you fresh and active throughout a day and reduce the risk of neck pain. Nowadays most individual use fitness band that comes with idle alert, which reminds you by vibrating your wrist to get up from the chair. 

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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Chiropractic a key to Healthier Life

healthier life through chiropractic

Did you know Chiropractic is the largest complementary & alternative health profession in North America and the third largest healthcare profession in the United States? A skilled chiropractor like Dr. Thomas Gehrmann finds misalignment in your spine which may be compromising the function of your nervous system. Your muscles and nerves work together to keep you healthy. When neuromuscular block impedes the normal flow of nerve communication, the result may be dysfunction or a state of dis-ease.

Have you ever felt stress that impedes how you function on a daily basis? A skilled chiropractor may be able to relieve that tension and help restore relaxation and balance to your body. Relaxation feels inherently good to your body, doesn’t it?

A visual and kinesthetic example of this block is when a wire is connected to a light bulb. If the block is severe enough, the light flickers. What do you think happens when a nerve is blocked by a vertebrae? Your organs and muscles may not receive the essential energy needed to function, during the day. Your blood vessels are also guided by nerve flow.

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