Thursday, May 16, 2019

Arthritis Awareness Month | Manage Osteoarthritis | Thomas Gehrmann Colorado

manage osteoarthritis

Physical health issues are increasing nowadays and no doubt it all because of unhealthy habits. Most people often neglect their diet and physical activities, which result in many different issues and osteoarthritis is one of them. Osteoarthritis is one of the most common forms of arthritis, affects individuals of almost all ages. It mostly found in older people above 65 years of age, especially in women.

Osteoarthritis is a kind of arthritis that damage the cartilage that mainly protects the joints from friction and constant wear and tear. Although this degenerative disease reduces mobility with time, according to experts including ThomasGehrmann, CO Chiropractor, it can be controlled by following a healthy diet and lifestyle. 

Let’s find out how dietary changes can support osteoarthritis knee pain with the expert Thomas Gehrmann, a Chiropractor from Colorado Springs-

1) Do not cook meats at a high temperature

dont cook meat at high temperature

According to experts including Thomas Gehrmann, if you cook meats at extreme temperatures, for example on a grill, may produce inflammation-causing elements known as advanced glycation end products (AGEs). These elements increase the risk of diseases such as arthritis, cancer, and diabetes. Also, experts suggest decreasing the consumption of processed, ready-to-eat meats, as they may also be prepared at high temperatures.

2. Prefer more olive oil for cooking

prefer olive oil for cooking

A component name Oleocanthal is found in olive oil, which is helpful in decreasing inflammation. Most people may not know that around 3 to 4 tablespoons of olive oil are capable enough to provide the same pain-relief as 200 milligrams of ibuprofen. However, this much consumption of olive oil is not recommended as it may consist of too many calories. Better if you use it in place of other fats like butter or margarine.

3. Increase your vitamin C intake to prevent osteoarthritis

increase vitamin C intake

Vitamin C not only boosts immunity but also helps in maintaining healthy levels of collagen and connective tissues, which are essential for healthy joints. You can include food items like citrus varieties, strawberries, and kale in your regular diet as they are rich in vitamin C.

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Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Neck Pain Permanent Solutions Using Thomas Gehrmann Tips

Neck Pain Solutions

Are you one of those who is dealing with back or neck pain in everyday life? Almost every third individual out of ten suffers from neck pain at work. It happens when you sit at work for long working hours in the wrong posture. To fix this problem and to avoid major complications it is necessary for you to improve your posture. Walking or sitting with the straight back not only makes you look confident but also prevent your neck and back pain.

Let’s explore ways to prevent neck pain at work with the expert Thomas Gehrmann.

Maintain good posture

maintain good posture

While sitting at the office desk make sure you keep your spine in a neutral position with ears exactly above your shoulders. The back should be in a straight position against the chair, recommended by Thomas Gehrmann. To keep the angle of thigh slightly down you need to adjust the height of the chair. It will help you to allocate your lower body weight through your sit bones.

Consider the height of monitor and keyboard placement

Consider the height of keyboard and monitor

According to expert ThomasGehrmann, it is very important to consider the height of monitor and keyboard placement while working at work. Make sure you place your monitor at a position to prevent your neck from inclined forward. And keep the keyboard at the height which allows you to keep your arm in 90- degree position. In case the monitor is placed at a lower position, you need to lower your neck which increases tension on your spine. Similarly, if you placed a keyboard at a lower position it will lead your shoulder to more rounding position.

Take a small interval and stand up for a while

stand up after small interval

An individual should never restrict his body to stay in one position for a longer duration as it can cause stiffness in the internal functioning of the body. Also, it is not easy for anyone to maintain a good posture for a longer period. Therefore, it is advisable to stand up after a small interval like after an hour or so and take a small walk around. Taking small breaks and walking around will ask to keep you fresh and active throughout a day and reduce the risk of neck pain. Nowadays most individual use fitness band that comes with idle alert, which reminds you by vibrating your wrist to get up from the chair. 

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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Chiropractic a key to Healthier Life

healthier life through chiropractic

Did you know Chiropractic is the largest complementary & alternative health profession in North America and the third largest healthcare profession in the United States? A skilled chiropractor like Dr. Thomas Gehrmann finds misalignment in your spine which may be compromising the function of your nervous system. Your muscles and nerves work together to keep you healthy. When neuromuscular block impedes the normal flow of nerve communication, the result may be dysfunction or a state of dis-ease.

Have you ever felt stress that impedes how you function on a daily basis? A skilled chiropractor may be able to relieve that tension and help restore relaxation and balance to your body. Relaxation feels inherently good to your body, doesn’t it?

A visual and kinesthetic example of this block is when a wire is connected to a light bulb. If the block is severe enough, the light flickers. What do you think happens when a nerve is blocked by a vertebrae? Your organs and muscles may not receive the essential energy needed to function, during the day. Your blood vessels are also guided by nerve flow.

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