Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Effective Ways to Relieve Pain


manage chronic pain

1. Exercise

While this might be the last thing you want to hear especially when the body hurts, however, exercise has always been the key to strong healthy muscles and bones says Thomas Gehrmann. Therefore, being inactive can be opening doors to more pain, weaker muscles and body degeneration. Reports have also shown that exercising can ease pain by boosting muscle tone, strength, and flexibility. Introduce your body to these activities slowly and steadily and simple exercises such as swimming, walking, biking (among others) are a good way to start. Plus, consider exercise as a painkiller, thanks to the endorphins that are being released.

2. Physical Therapy

There might not be that one solution for chronic pain relief, but physical therapy has been proven to be very effective over the years. Your physical therapist can create a program that is suitable for your needs and will incorporate various techniques that helps improve movement and body functioning. These techniques can be massage, manual therapy, cold laser therapy, joint and bone manipulation and so much more. Your therapist teaches you how to effectively care for your body, increase strength and deal with pain.

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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Expert Advice Regarding Hip Pain by Thomas Gehrmann

hip pain treatment

Although commonly found in adults and females, hip pain is not limited to age or sex. From temporary hip pain to chronic ones like cartilage breakdown, hip pain treatments can be short term or long-standing. However, having pain in any part of the body either severe or mild is not something to ignore. From difficulty in bending, to stiffness while climbing stairs, to limping, the daily lives are hampered. If this is you, hear what an expert Thomas Gehrmann has to say about hip pain, causes, and treatment. 

What are the causes of hip pain?
Pain can come from the outside or inside of the hip, outer buttocks, lower thighs or it can even be coming from your lower back or lower abdomen. Hence, being a condition that is caused by a variety of issues, knowing the causes of hip pain can be difficult to define. “The hip is a ball-and-socket joint that is strong and highly stable for legs and upper body movement,” says Thomas Gehrmann, a renowned Chiropractor in Colorado Springs.

Over time, the overall makeup of the hip can get tired due to wear and tall and result in hip pain. “Sometimes, pin in the hip can also be as a result of fall or injury or even a deformity someone is born with. Understanding where the pain is coming from and the causes are the first steps in treatment” says Thomas Gehrmann. However, the most common conditions and causes of hip pains are:  arthritis, hip fractures, Trochanteric bursitis, muscle and cartilage tears, osteoporosis, tendonitis, cancer, and osteomyelitis 

When should you see a doctor?
Before visiting a doctor, it is important to take note of where the pain is coming from. Healthcare makes use of physical examination, history and other medical examinations such as X-rays to diagnose the problem. Visit the doctor immediately if you:

Fell and you felt a crack in the hip bone
Have difficulties performing daily activities such as climbing the stairs, bending
Experience pain or soreness when you sleep over the hips, walk or move the leg
Can’t bear heavyweight

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Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Technology Role in Musculoskeletal Disorders by Thomas Gehrmann

technology in musculoskeletal disorders

Technology is already fusing into society. From the effect on our daily lives to the educational sector to businesses to health. There is simply no means of escape. According to Thomas Gehrmann, chiropractic treatment can be said to be the diagnosis and manual treatment of the joints that are not properly in alignment. Anyway, chiropractic treatment has surpassed the manual (manipulative treatment), technology has found its way through. There have been more advanced innovations helping specialists with information’s to take care of the patient’s Musculoskeletal Health. Not only in healthcare, it has also extended to other areas such as chiropractic and physiotherapy which before relies heavily on manual therapy.

Here is Thomas Gehrmann, a well-known chiropractor in Colorado Springs to help us understand how technology is being used to improve the Musculoskeletal Health. Read on!

Musculoskeletal Health Maintenance

Musculoskeletal issues are the leading cause of disability and the second leading cause of morbidity worldwide. 

The musculoskeletal system involves the muscles, tendons, bones, joints and other systems that help us to move the body and maintain the right form or posture says Thomas Gehrmann. Any musculoskeletal disorders will not only affect these systems, but it can also result to nerve damage. This has a lot of consequences including an inability to move the whole or part of the body (paralysis). That is why it is very important to maintain adequate musculoskeletal health. 

Technology in Musculoskeletal Health

Chiropractors treat patients having neuromusculoskeletal issues in regards to the nerves, muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments. They use a holistic approach, they don’t prescribe drugs or injections but rather treats patients naturally.

The digital tools and equipment used are there to improve patients’ health and promote active rehabilitation. Patiently health is evaluated objectively as these technologies provide the necessary information for diagnosis and provision of adequate care. 

It is more important for companies to embrace these equipment, manual manipulation is no more reliable, and the need to support it with the right technology is inevitable. Not only does it improves the overall health of the patient, they are also cost-effective in the long run.  

What are the Technology-based treatments in musculoskeletal health? 

Technology is morphing and expanding and those that are around today (and still emerging) are here to turn things around in musculoskeletal care.

The introduction of imaging modality about 60 years ago in the form of x rays have giving us a glimpse of what is happening in the human body. However, due to its limitation, there have been advancements and innovations to perform better diagnostic functions and high-resolution information. In healthcare settings, ultrasound (X-ray, CT, and MRI) has become an invaluable asset. 

Generally, it is uncommon for patients not to receive Spinal Decompression Therapy. This is a nonsurgical treatment that is used for pain management in patients suffering from back pain, injured spinal roots or joints problems. 

In a time where many therapy modalities are failing, extracorporeal shockwave therapy is also here to treat chronic pain problems associated with the musculoskeletal system. This is a technology that has now been widely embraced by sport medicine practitioners, orthopedists, physiotherapists and chiropractors alike. Pain relief is made faster and mobility restoration is made easy, thanks to this therapy. The shock wave produces high energy that is transported to painful spots and tissues. It facilitates faster tissue restoration and reformation of the tendons and bones. 

3D printed insoles is also a game-changer that is cost-effective, increase orthotic effectiveness and perform countless functions. Orthoses are not something uncommon and have been in use for numerous years by podiatric in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of the diseases of the human foot. Powered with 3d technology or additive manufacturing, these custom made insoles offer more advantages uniquely for the individual foot. The chiropractors are few among many who have incorporated 3D printed insoles in their regimen to treat patients.

Final Words

There are many innovations to explore but these few ones given by Thomas Gehrmann should be adopted by health practitioners in order to provide the best for their patient’s Musculoskeletal Health.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Effective Ways to Improve Shoulder Mobility

Thomas Ghermann-Shoulder Mobility Exercises

he big, muscular shoulder is the new sexy in the fitness world, and this can be the reason why fitness enthusiasts involved in the bench press, shoulder press, go back the following day for more shoulder workout, then turn it into a routine. If this is you, you might probably be neglecting the important part- shoulder mobility. Until pains are growing from mild to severe, an inability to stretch, move or function properly, then the need to work shoulder mobility arises. Don’t wait till all these happen, shoulder mobility is part of what you need for proper functioning and it is all part of that ‘sexy shoulder’. 

Here is what Thomas Gehrmann, a reputable chiropractor in Colorado Springs, has to say about your shoulder mobility and the ways to get it right.  

Why Shoulder Mobility is Important?

The shoulder, being the greatest and the most mobile human joints of the body are also the most injured part. Unlike the hip which relies on bones, the shoulders rely on tendons, muscles, and ligaments to function properly and remain mobile says Thomas Gehrmann.

The shoulder performs different functions. It gives a range of motion to the arm and allows the strengthening of the upper body. From lifting of the arm above the head, extending the arms to the back, the importance of shoulder mobility either for practice or everyday lives cannot be overemphasized.

Not only that, if Squat is your thing in the gym, you need good shoulder mobility even though squat focuses on the lower-body movement. 

Problems in the shoulders just don’t happen overnights, they develop over time. If placing your hand above your shoulders seems impossible you might be having some mobility problems. 

Stability and mobility are both important and it doesn’t require much to have a mobile, happy, injury-free shoulders, here are exercises to get you on the right track. 

Best exercises to increase shoulder mobility

Shoulder Car

This is a quick warm-up mobility exercise to incorporate into your routine. It improves warm-ups, develops soft-tissue to help joint movement and meets your workout demands.


Stay in a straight tall kneeling position while squeezing the fist and the glutes. This will tell you if the other part of the body isn’t involved.
Move the shoulder joint in a rotational range of motion as far as you can go. Ensure the rest of the body isn’t bending or moving.
Come back to the starting position and repeat. 3-5 reps of this exercise on each side will do.

Back to the wall

This is great either as a warm-up, in between exercises or a good way to take a break if you have been sitting, or standing for long. It can be done anywhere and it works on the upper back and shoulder mobility. 

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Thomas Gehrmann Chiropractor in Colorado Springs

Experience natural, innovative health care solutions to help you feel great through all stages of life using chiropractic care with Thomas Gehrmann.

Gehrmann Chiropractic clinic exists to educate and align patients towards optimal health through natural chiropractic care. They make this possible by empowering their patients to take an active role in their personalized care. 

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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Best Physical Activities for Elderly Parents

Thomas Gehrmann-Physical Activities

So your parents are getting older, it doesn’t mean a full stop to life. It’s not just for them to exist but to live! Either you are afraid of your parents falling off or getting injured, or you simply don’t see reasons for your seniors to engage in physical activities says Thomas Gehrmann. Maybe life has been busy and there is simply no time for such. Your thoughts might be ‘mama is too old to get fit” Whatever category you belong, it’s high time you have to rethink about your elderly parents health!

The benefits of physical activities as we get older are endless. Physical activities help fight off diseases, obesity, keep balance and help regain rapidly from illness. Moreover, it helps old people to live longer and more importantly there is always something fun and interesting to do every day. What better way to keep the body, mind, soul and even memory intact than physical activities. 

Thomas Gehrmann- a renowned and experienced Chiropractor shares his knowledge on the physical activities that can improve your elderly parent’s health. Read on!

1. Taking a Walk
Walking is an activity anyone can do but still, we underestimate its importance. Taking few minutes to walk daily can help improve balance and burn excess calories. Walking with your senior every day is a good form of socialization that can help keep loneliness and depression at bay says Thomas Gehrmann

2. Dancing can also Improve Elderly Parents Health
Your parents aren’t that active to shake their body or they do not know how to? It doesn’t matter Taking them to dance classes is a fun way to stay healthy. Increased blood circulation, interesting way to lose excess fat, increase strength and balance, uplifts the mood: an all in one package. Moreover, they will get to meet good people and socialize. 

3. Swimming
Swimming is one great physical activity to improve your elderly parent’s health. It helps fight off heart and lung diseases as it makes the heart stronger. It is also great for cardiovascular health and helps improves their posture. “Disability is not an excuse not to swim. A disabled parent can take support to help them swim effectively”-says Thomas Gehrmann.

4. Bike riding
To parks, to nearby restaurants, to visit nearby family friends, ditch cars for bike riding. Cycling is a fun leg workout that will keep the body in shape, reduce the risk of diseases and increase overall health. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Thomas Gehrmann | Boost Sports Performance with Chiropractic Care

Can chiropractic care magnify sports performance? Do gymnasts administered by chiropractors achieve distinct performance benefits from distinct therapy methods and/or objectives? According to Thomas Gehrmann, these questions have been requested sporadically in chiropractic and chiropractic related advertisements and articles, and even less frequently have explanations been postulated.

Nevertheless, it is not surprising that three-quarters of all pro-level coaches suggest their players to chiropractors. And an approximated 90% of world-class players in all sports seek chiropractic care to recover from and prevent injuries, as well as to maximize their performance.

Thomas Gehrmann - a licensed chiropractor in Colorado Springs - shares some of the benefits related to sports performance using Chiropractic Care.

1. Increased Reaction Time

Various researchers have found that chiropractic has a decisive impact on reaction time, improving players react more promptly to their contestant’s activities. For example, one research issued in the journal Trials included 120 special-operation military personnel, individuals with remarkably dynamic roles. After just one session, the participants acquiring chiropractic care were capable to complete a complicated whole-body motor response task in a more limited time.

2. Reduce Usage of Drugs and Medication

Players who are under pressure to perform may expose themselves to taking added medicine than they are filled with. While medicine and conventional therapeutic appointments are important after some injuries, several players prefer to withdraw medication whenever feasible. In situations like these, chiropractic care may present a cure without drugs or invasive therapies. It is advisable by the chiropractor, Thomas Gehrmann to use chiropractic care as a supplement or a dilemma instead of traditional medication.

3. Undo Damage to the Body

Great appearance maintains a prolonged direction toward enhancing your play and limiting damages from sports. Inadequate blemishes in the alliance of your spine can compound petite obstacles in your body, altering insignificant errors into major problems. A chiropractor can benefit correct alliance difficulties and enhance your overall sports performance.

4. Sports Performance Recovery

Even if your sports performance or efforts don’t result in damage, they can still take a lot out of you says ThomasGehrmann. Your body is approximately forever in some sort of recovery, and as with injury prevention, proper spinal and joint alliances improve the efficacy of the process. Nevertheless, spinal administration isn’t all that chiropractic offers. It’s efficient at healing alliance and dodging annoyances within the body, and other treatments complement the effectiveness of your adjustments, too. Massage, cryotherapy, and electrical stimulation can each contribute to faster healing and recovery.

5. More Accelerated Recovery from Concussions

Concussions and their consequent neck pain are a significant concern for players, with the Brain Injury Research Institute predicting that as many as 3.8 million recreation-related concussions transpire each year within the United States alone. Whitelaw and his team have found that chiropractic helps diminish the player’s rehabilitation time from this variety of Injuries.