Monday, February 28, 2022

Chiropractic can be used for the Treatment of Foot Pain

Chiropractic for Foot Pain

Have you ever wondered why foot pain seems common to certain people? Well, you need to know that each foot contains 26 bones and nerves and the feet bear all the impact of a person's body weight each day. All this daily impact can affect nerves, bones, tendons, ligaments or muscle which can result in pain, says Tom Gehrmann. It is easy to make assumptions when you have foot pain rather than seeking medical attention or help. Some might assume that the pain is a result of being overweight, wearing tight shoes or high heels, walking or standing too long on feet which makes them opt for solutions that do not deal with their problem.


All those assumptions might be right and foot pain is not what can be prevented every time but chiropractic treatment can help you deal with the pain. When some people hear the term chiropractic what comes to mind is spine and back. In case you didn't know back and spine is not the only body part that can be treated by chiropractors. Before discussing chiropractic treatment for foot pain maybe we should quickly define the term chiropractic and chiropractors, says Tom Gehrmann.     


Chiropractic and Chiropractors

Chiropractic is considered to be an alternate medicine that deals with the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of misalignment in the musculoskeletal system. Chiropractors like Tom Gehrmann from Colorado Springs, are health professionals that make use of different non-surgical treatments to care for the patient's musculoskeletal system. 


Pay Attention to Your Feet

You know your body more than anyone else and how much pressure you put on your feet daily. Whenever you take a walk or exercise on a harder surface than what your body is used to you might feel pain because your shoe is old. Or as a result of having a misalignment. Once you notice any pain in your foot that seems to linger more than it should you might want to visit a chiropractor before the pain gets severe or worse. Chiropractors put your strength, stability, mobility, flexibility and body mechanics into consideration when diagnosing the cause of your pain. Which can help in eliminating the pain with the right treatment.


Foot Pain That Are Common

Foot pain can occur if there is any misalignment in any of the 26 bones in your foot. Whether the pain occurs in the bottom of the heel, top of the foot, side of the foot, arch of the foot, back of heel or ball of foot you can get lasting relief with foot adjustments from a good chiropractor. But the common pain in the foot can be as a result of the following:


Metatasalgia: this is a situation whereby there is a misalignment in the metatarsal bones that are present in the ball of the foot.


Calcium deposit: the depositions of calcium in the foot will cause pain.


Pronation: the foot problem occurs when the arches are not strong enough to help the feet align well.  


Plantar fasciitis: This is a result of stress to the ligament that supports the arch of the foot. A strain in this ligament will cause inflammation, pain and swelling. 


Other Foot Problem A Chiropractor Can Treat or Help With


Ankle sprain: sprain in the ankle is sometimes overlooked as something that is not serious. The truth is it can be more complicated than it looks. An ankle sprain can affect the bone, muscles and tendons and if proper treatment is not taken it can result in the talus bone not returning to its position as the ankle recover. With the help of a chiropractor, the bone can be adjusted to ease ankle recovery or healing. And proper instructions will be given to the patient on how to rest, apply ice, compression and elevate the ankle.


Flat feet: those with this problem doesn't have the arch of the foot which means when they stand their whole foot touches the floor or shoes they wear. A flat foot is a condition that occurs during the early stage of child development but ageing and injury are contributing factors in adults. A chiropractor can give exercises to the patient that can help the arch to naturally increase and some manipulation on the feet. 


Achilles Tendinitis: This is a result of failing to do warm up first before doing any physical activity. When this happens, you can get the correct stretching exercise you need to deal with pain from a chiropractor.


Arthritis: I am not saying chiropractors can cure arthritis but they can help reduce the swelling through the manipulation of the toes, ankle and foot.



As you can see chiropractic can be used for the treatment of foot pain. Though foot pain cannot be prevented the pain has to prolong. According to Tom Gehrmann, you should consider chiropractic techniques after trying some home remedies and medication and there is no improvement.

Originally Published

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Defining Sales Management


sales manangement

Tom Gehrmann from Colorado Springs, an independent business consultant defines sales administration and methods to improve it. He offers his services in Colorado, USA.

Sales managers are tasked with controlling sales, sales processes, and strategy. He also implements these to generate many sales. He helps other workers achieve the set objectives and targets.


Sales Management Methods?

The strategies involved in managing sales vary for everyone, brand, and products. They depend on the amenities, personnel, and commodities they sell.

The processes involved are:


1. Create Compensation Policies:

Sales managers must have compensation plans for the workers and buyers. Staff salaries, bonuses, commissions, and return policies should be reserved. Commission, good salaries, incentives encourage workers to make sales. It cultivates good working environments within the team. Sales representatives will not force new buyers to get more commissions. They will treat old customers well. Your current customers will stay, and new customers will come back for more. Return policies and gifts for buyers ensure that they turn into return buyers.

Make a plan for the firm to thrive and get the necessary resources needed to aid that plan.


2. Establish Sales Targets:

Setting up objectives and revenue targets give direction to the teams and representatives. They are like glues that bind everybody together. It gives each worker a sense of responsibility.

Assign a pastime, task, and revenue targets to each member. You may give workshops if possible to the reps. Carefully explain the revenue goals and expectations to the work teams and the entire department. This will make them comprehend and learn their duties.


3. Educating Fresh Workers and carrying them Along:

Sales managers must do these. More than one person from the sales section may be tasked to instruct fresh staff. They also have to carry the staff along. Although, the managers should be among the trainers.

Sales managers teach the new representatives. They give them equal details about the commodities and the organization that employed them, says Tom Gehrmann from Colorado Springs. They enlighten the staff on the business operations, rules, and policies. He equips them with the knowledge of the customers who buy their goods. The knowledge helps the fresh workers to properly handle their customers.

The managers need to teach the new workers the application of the company's preferred digital tools. They set up an account for each rookie on the company's chat platform. These unique abilities and knowledge will boost their confidence. The workers can expertly attend to their buyers without problems. They will realize how to relate with customers based on their tastes or needs. Then they can sell products to the appropriate customers. This in turn will lead to more sales and more profit.


4. Motivate Your Company's Sales Representatives:

Never put your junior workers down with bad words. Encourage them with good words. Advise them when they are down. This will motivate them to do more. Your workers can turn a bad situation into a good one with your encouragement.

It is common for customers to be rude to sales representatives. If such a situation occurs, let the sales representatives know it is not their fault. Do not be harsh on them. If you notice one of your workers looks sad, ask him/her why.

Creates events to encourage team building among the representatives. You can have a camp day, sports day, and lunch dates with the workers. Talk to them to know if they would like to change anything about the way you relate with them.


5. Be a Middleman between the Leaders in The Company and The Sales Representatives:

Sales managers have higher positions than the representatives but lower positions than the leaders. So they negotiate with the leaders and the sales representatives. You are the spokesperson for the sales representatives. If the leaders maltreat the sales reps or deny them their rights, you speak for them.

You might even have to tell the leaders to increase their salaries, give promotions, and bonuses. When all these are in place, reps get motivated. This will boost the sales and revenues of the firm.


6. Document Sales and Revenues:

The sales manager must examine sales reports. He also has to crosscheck the profits made from the sales. He then compiles the data, does data analysis, and reviews the reports, says Tom Gehrmann from Colorado Springs. These will determine if the representatives are doing well on their assigned posts.

Call the representatives and go through the reports together. Show them their sales growth. This will let them know the areas they need to improve on. It will also show them what they are doing right.

Sales reports are to be given to the company's leaders too. It is to let them know the company's sales growth. If the leaders are not satisfied with the reports, they send feedback to the sales manager. In the feedback, they will state how to improve the next sales. They can also decide to change the current sales strategy.



In conclusion, a company cannot do without the Sales Management Department. They are vital for the firm's growth.

Originally Published

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Thomas Gehrmann | Tips to Strengthen your Bones

Strong Bones
According to Thomas Gehrmann, bones are essential for the body as it helps protects the body organs and muscles while providing structure and storage of calcium. While growing up, our bones go through metabolism where they break down old bones and grow new ones faster to increase their mass. As we grow older, the bone mass reaches its peak and begins to lose more bone mass than it gains. Therefore, building a strong bone while growing up is very essential as it helps keep your bones healthy and protected.  


Many people develop osteoporosis early in life, a bone condition where the body produces little bone, or losses many bones. This can result in a weak and brittle bone that often breaks from a fall or bumps because of an unhealthy lifestyle. “Your middle-age years is an opportunity to build strong bones and correct any unhealthy habit that can affect your bones when you get old,” says Thomas Gehrmann. Adjusting now will help you live a pain-free life when you get old and prevent you from surgery. 


Read on as Thomas Gehrmann, a licensed chiropractor living in Colorado Springs takes us through tips to keep your bones healthy. 


Risk factors Related to Bones


1. Calcium Intake

Inadequate calcium intake lead to a reduction in bone density and an increase in bone loss. 


2. Age

As we grow older adults, our bones reduce in mass and become weaker.


3. Genetics

You are more at risk if you have a family history of osteoporosis. 


4. Diseases

Diseases such as food disorder, arthritis, anorexia, Crohn’s disease, and many more reduces the body’s ability to absorb calcium which often leads to bone loss says Thomas Gehrmann.


5. Drugs

The intake of drugs such as cortisone, phenytoin, phenobarbitone, dexamethasone, and many more results in bone damage. 


How do you keep your Bones Healthy?

Here are tips for healthier, stronger bones:


1. Exercise your Body 

Doing weight-bearing such as walking, climbing, or jumping helps to build strong bone mass and healthy bones. Resistance exercise such as lifting or pulling weight also promotes overall health and helps to maintain good bone. 


2. Change your Lifestyle

·         Stop smoking: Research has shown that smoking leads to loss of bone and smokers show an imbalance in bone mass which increases the risk of bone breakage.

·         Reduce your alcohol intake: A regular assumption of alcohol increases the risk of bone fracture, and reduces bone density. It also interferes with how the body regulates and absorbs vitamin D and calcium says Thomas Gehrmann.

3. Increase your Calcium Intake

Calcium helps to build healthy bones and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. 1000 mg is the calcium intake daily recommended between the age of 19-50 and 1200 mg above the age of 50. Food like oatmeal, beans, vegetables, and fruits such as nuts are a great source of calcium. Seafood is also packed with protein, calcium, and a great source of fatty acid that enriches the body. The addition of whole milk or yogurt to your oatmeal gives it an extra boost of calcium important for your bone mass. 

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Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Tips to Prevent Leg Cramps at Night


Leg Cramp

According to Chiropractor - Thomas Gehrmann from Colorado Springs, leg cramps are uncontrolled spasms in the muscles of the leg that may be painful. They typically occur in the calf muscles, though they may also appear in the thighs or feet.

Much of the time, simple stretches may help ease the cramped muscles. There are also other treatments and prevention methods to try. Anyone dealing with leg cramps regularly should see a doctor for a full diagnosis.

What are Leg Cramps?

Leg cramps are involuntary muscle spasms anywhere in the leg, though they are most common in the calf says chiropractor - Thomas Gehrmann. The muscle tenses up, causing discomfort or moderate to severe pain and tightness in the area.

Nocturnal leg cramps may also lead to other issues. They can disrupt sleep and break up a person’s sleep cycle, which can make them feel tired or lethargic the next day. Leg cramps may make it very difficult to fall asleep, and this could lead to issues such as insomnia over time.

Causes of Leg Cramps

1. Tired Muscles

The research available suggests that muscle fatigue is a primary cause. Athletes are more likely to get leg cramps after doing higher than normal levels of activity.

2. Inactivity during the Day

Another leading theory is that sitting for an extended period, such as while working at a desk, may cause the muscles to shorten over time.

3. Body Position

Sitting or lying in a certain way that restricts movement or blood flow to the legs, such as resting one leg on the other or with the legs crossed, may lead to cramps.

4. Pregnancy

There may also be a link between pregnancy and leg cramps at night. This might be due to the increased nutritional demands or hormone changes in the body during pregnancy.

Prevention Leg Cramps at Night

Preventing leg cramps in the long term may be the best option for some people, though this is not always possible says Thomas Gehrmann.

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Monday, November 23, 2020

Hand Exercises for Arthritis by Thomas Gehrmann


Thomas Gehrmann-hand exercises for Arthritis

According to Thomas Gehrmann - Chiropractor, arthritis  can be a very painful condition and is particularly difficult to manage, but certain exercises can help reduce pain and stiffness.

Here are some exercises for hand arthritis recommended by Thomas Gehrmann:

1. Hand Clench

  • Begin by straightening the fingers out.
  • Slowly bend the hand into a fist.
  • Keep the thumb on the outside of the hand.
  • Hold this position for a couple of seconds, then repeat says Thomas Gehrmann.
  • Do around 10 reps once per day. People can do so more regularly if the exercise is comfortable and pain-free.

2. Thumb and Finger Lift

  • Place the hands on a table, palm down and body-width apart.
  • Begin by lifting the thumbs off the table as far as is comfortable and holding for 5 seconds, then rest.
  • Repeat with the index finger, then the following fingers in turn.
  • While one finger is raised, make sure that the others remain flat.
  • Complete 10 sets around twice per day, recommended by Chiropractor, Thomas Gehrmann.

3. Thumb Stretch

  • Looking at the palm of the hand, relax the fingers into a neutral position.
  • Bend the thumb across the palm, touching the bottom of the small finger. If this is difficult, just stretch as far as possible.
  • Repeat multiple times with each hand.

4. Finger and Thumb Touch

  • From the same position as the thumb stretch, bring the tip of the thumb together with the tip of each finger one by one.
  • Complete 10 sets twice per day on each hand.
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Sunday, October 11, 2020

Ways to Sleep Well using Chiropractic Care


Sleep Well

Considering that we spend a third of your lives sleeping or attempting to do so, sleeping is a crucial aspect of human lives and one we cannot do away with. We need sleep to function properly during our waking hours. It is a time in which processing, strengthening, and healing take place, especially when lives got busy and we have been up and about. This means when we don’t get enough sleep, our health and well-being are at stake; heart diseases, kidney disease, stroke, and many more. The good news is, chiropractors, do not only provide reliefs to your achy back, but they can also allow you to sleep better.


Here, Thomas Gehrmann, a licensed chiropractor in Colorado Springs who has been practicing since 1999 explores more on how chiropractors care can help sleep better. Let’s dig in!


How can Chiropractic Care help to Alleviate Sleep Disorders?

Here are ways in which chiropractic care can improve your sleep:


1. Helps in Pain and Tension Alleviation


When you are in pain, ache, or your body is hurt, it is often difficult to sleep comfortably says Thomas Gehrmann. This can be a result of vertebrae misalignments, spinal problems, injury, or accidents. Whatever, the reason, it can cause tension to build at the spine areas and leads to body pain. One of the obvious functions of chiropractors is pain relief and alleviation. Chiropractors provide manual therapies such as massage, mobilization, physical therapies, and soft tissue work. This helps to correct spinal misalignment, relax the nervous system, release tension, improves blood flow which allows you to rest better at the night. 


2. Reduces Stress

Chiropractors can help those suffering from insomnia by dealing with the original source which is mostly stress. When life sometimes takes its toll or when people deal with constant anxiety, stress level increases and can keep depriving many of their goodnight sleep. Moreover, unmanageable stress leads to a weakened immune system that can’t protect you from many diseases. “Chiropractic care includes massages that melt out tensions and stress which allows oxygen and nerve impulses to flow more freely throughout the body. Regular massage and other techniques such as chiropractic adjustments can help flush out toxins, and boost the immune system, thereby promoting sound sleep and improving quality of life,” Thomas Gehrmann says.


3. Provides Recommendations for Sleeping Positions and Sleep Aid

Not only do chiropractors help in alleviating pain and stress, but they can also provide suggestions that can help you to rest better depending on the conditions, causes, medical issues, and other factors. They can recommend a sleeping position that can be best for you. Sometimes, they might tell you to change your mattress or recommend a certain pillow that can be the key to a night of better sleep. 

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Monday, September 7, 2020

Tips to Stay Healthy While Working from Home


working from home

As the world battles with the spread of coronavirus and countries closing their borders, while incorporating compulsive stay-at-home orders. Millions of people all over the world are working from home in this crisis. Transitioning from a normal working environment, a working from home setting can be very challenging. With no gym time, lack of working in an ergonomic environment closed schools, and kids to take care of, bundles of attractive snacks arranged in the kitchen, no social stimulation. All these can disrupt any worker’s mental health. ‘One of the best ways to beat this is by finding a way to stay fit and balance your physical and mental health’ says Thomas Gehrmann, a renowned chiropractor in Colorado Springs.

Whether you’ve been working from home for years or its just your first time, it is not easy and fulfilled as you think. There are a lot of hurdles to overcome especially when the only person you talk to all day is your kids or dogs. The feeling of isolation makes you feel restless and tired all day. ‘Although the idea of leaving your bed and working in your pajamas sounds great, it causes more harm than good to your mental health’ says Thomas Gehmann. Hence, here are tips to stay healthy during this lockdown.

1. Exercise Regularly

Sitting all day is the new norm as everyone is now working from home due to coronavirus lockdown. Sitting all day can make stiffen your arms and legs which can lead to headaches and painExercising helps stimulate your body and improves your normal brain functioning. It also allows the blood in your body to circulate properly while strengthening your bones and muscles. A poor sitting posture for a long time often forces the nervous system to take energy away from the immune system.

2. Rest Regularly

Walk around during your lunch break. “Take every opportunity you have whether it’s a Phone call or an unusual sound around the house, to stretch your body. This helps you think clearly’. Says Thomas Gehmann. Get out of the house and enjoy vitamin D from the sun. After working hours, it is important to also participate in other activities and sleep for at least eight hours every day. This helps rejuvenate the skin and improves your mental health and general wellbeing. It also allows increases your productivity and concentration the next day while keeping depression and anxiety at bay.

3. Stay Hydrated

Always keep a glass of water beside you all day to keep your hydrated. Drinking water helps maximize your physical performance and prevent headaches. Research has shown that your hydration status often influences the way your brain functions. Therefore, you need to stay hydrated to be more productive at work. Also, dehydration often leads to impaired mood and reduction in the energy level.

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